This color can be hard … can you think of any white fruits and vegetables? They have lots of antioxidants and phytochemicals that specifically help boost immunity and fight infection. The next time you are sick with a cold, an ear infection or fever, eat lots of white fruits and vegetables. Do you remember what antioxidants and phytochemicals are? Teach someone else about them!
Which fruits and veggies did you think of? Maybe garlic, onions, cauliflower, potatoes, coconut, lychees, dragonfruit, parsnips and bananas? There are even white carrots and pumpkins! Which is your favorite? I love garlic so much that I put it in most of my meals!
I recently tasted lychee for the first time and it’s so delicious! Sometime I also really want to try dragonfruit. 🙂
Lychee is so good! This just might be the week for you to try dragonfruit … our store was carrying it just last week. It’s such a gorgeous fruit!