This touching video highlights the rare opportunity of having an “extra day” this year thanks to Leap Year. The idea had never touched me like that before. Parents joke about having “just another hour in the day” or “just one more day in the week” and this year it was […]

What will you do with #YourExtraDay ?

  How we spend our time and dollars at the grocery store can make or break our nutrition habits for the week. Look at what my local Hy-Vee store started doing! They offer a free piece of fruit for kids to snack on while they shop with their parents. What […]

Grocery Store Fresh Fruit for Kids

I’m a big fan of super heroes. Batman and Iron Man are my favorites. I also love “super” foods. Oatmeal is a wonderful super food and is great on cold days like today! It has tons of fiber that protects your heart (yay, Heart Health month!), makes you feel full […]

Oatmeal, super food to the rescue!

It’s citrus season at the grocery store! Oranges taste super yummy, but they are good for you too! They have lots of Vitamin C, which keeps your immune system strong. Your immune system keeps you from getting sick. Vitamin C is also important in keeping your cells healthy in your […]

It’s Citrus Season

Isn’t it just perfect that Heart Health Month is in February along with Valentine’s Day? You may be young, but you need to protect your heart too. Being active and eating healthy foods, especially fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish help keep your heart healthy. Do 10 jumping jacks, dance […]

It’s Heart Health Month!

This week I had an interesting modeling moment with my kiddo. I rarely get sick, but I’ve had a pretty bad case of bronchitis for a couple weeks. A few days ago I had a coughing fit while my little 11-month-old guy was playing next to me. As soon as […]

The Power of Modeling

When I was a dietetic intern at Nebo School District, I had the opportunity to do several projects related to teaching children nutrition. I was continually amazed at how fascinated the kids were with learning about nutrition and how quickly they were willing to change their attitudes about food. Now, […]

Why Kid Nutrition Minute?